Personal Histories Artist Book Exhibition

Bringing together artists from around the globe to share their own stories in artist book form. Sharing similarities, diversities and individual perspectives. Highlighting the dynamic world of artist books.

REDLAND MUSEUM: 12 October - 30 November 2014
REDLAND ART GALLERY: 29 March - 10 May 2015
UNSW CANBERRA: 28 September - 11 December 2015

For more information please contact the Coördinator, Robyn Foster (email:

Friday, 11 December 2015

Personal Histories at UNSW - End of Exhibition

The Personal Histories Exhibition at UNSW Canberra Campus finishes today.

I'll be making the 4 day round trip shortly from Brisbane to Canberra to dismantle and collect the works before returning home to send works back to artists.

Of course, being the Christmas holiday period, there may be hiccups in getting items sent off quickly, but I will endeavour to do my best - (and just a gentle reminder that artists are responsible for reimbursement of postage costs please).

I'd appreciate any artists who may have changed address since the beginning of the project to get in touch with me to update their address details. Also, if artists would like me to hold off on return of works due to holiday absences etc. I'd be most appreciative to hear from you as well.

Some artists have asked me not to return works, but instead donate them to appropriate collections in Australia, if this is your wish please contact me to arrange for this.  

Thanks again to all the artists worldwide who have given such wonderful support to this project, the institutions (Redland Museum, Redland Art Gallery Cleveland, ABBE at QCA and UNSW Canberra Campus) who have exhibited and championed the works (or part thereof) and the wonderful audiences who have given such positive feedback to the project and works over the last two years.


  1. Huge congratulations and thanks to you Robyn for your enormous effort and workload over the past two years. It has been such a labour of love, with such stunning and outstanding results. It has been a pleasure to have been involved, as it has been for many others I know. Enjoy a well deserved break when those last parcels are posted...

  2. Thanks Fiona. You're ever so thoughtful.
